be silent

I’ve been having a lot of thoughts and no time or energy to put them into words that make sense. turns out being a full time barista gives you a very small amount of time to even be able to process your own life. one of my least favorite things is to feel as though I’m…

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identity & the awkward person

When I was six, I had a huge crush on this kid from my youth group. It was the only frequent social event of my young life, so naturally, those few hours every Tuesday night were a big deal. I remember wearing these super cool new shoes I got, hoping he would think they were…

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sacrificial thankfulness

As a kid I always hated when my parents would pull the “be thankful for what you have, kids in Africa are starving.” To my 6-year-old self, it didn’t matter to me if someone had it worse, what mattered was that I was getting rice when I wanted pasta(obvious choice). It never helps when you’re…

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Here’s the thing about optimism. It’s getting old. This year was hard. Just really terrible. I’ve had rough spots in my life before, but not like this. I questioned everything. My relationships, my family, my life goals, who I was as a person. I felt lost and confused. No amount of happy music or positive…

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